HALP Committee Positions


Section 3.11.1 The PRESIDENT shall call all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, preside at such meetings, and appoint both Special and Standing Committees not specifically provided for in these By-Laws. The President shall have access to the safe deposit box of the Trust and shall be empowered to sign checks for the Association in the absence or incapacity of the Finance Officer. The President shall be bonded in the minimum amount of TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS. (back to top)

Vice President

Section 3.11.3

The VICE-PRESIDENT shall assume all the duties and functions of the President in his or her absence or incapacity. (back to top)


Section 3.11.4

The CLERK shall notify all Unit Owners of all HALP regular and special meetings as specified in Section 3.2.5. The Clerk shall prepare and maintain a register of attendance for each HALP meeting, which shall be signed by each Unit Owner designated to cast votes for his or her Unit. The Clerk shall take minutes at all HALP meetings and present those minutes to all Unit Owners by mail or email no later than four weeks after the meeting is held. Minutes from HALP meetings will be presented to Unit Owners for approval at the next regular HALP meeting.

 The Clerk shall keep the minutes at all Executive Committee meetings and provide copies of those minutes to all members of the Executive Committee. Minutes of the Executive Committee meetings shall also be sent via email to all Unit Owners and posted at the mail box announcement location. Any member who requests can also receive a copy of the minutes of each Executive Committee meeting.  Such request will remain in effect until any subsequent written notice is received by the clerk.  (Amended @ 1998, 2005, 2007,2008 Annual Meeting) (back to top)

Finance Officer

Section 3.11.5

The CLERK and FINANCE OFFICER shall supervise record keeping relative to the transfer of Unit deeds. (Amended @ 2006 Annual Meeting) (back to top)

Member At Large

Section 3.11.8 The Member-at-Large will be assigned as the community liaison. This Executive Committee member will be responsible for assisting in conducting orientations, posting minutes and bulletins, and creating a regular communication flow to Unit Owners and the Executive Committee. The member at large will also be the liaison to LPA and the social union. (back to top)

Property Officer

Section 3.8 Property Officer Duties. (Amended @ 2006 Annual Meeting) Section 3.8.1

The Property Officer shall work closely with the Executive Committee and their designees to manage requests for repairs and renovations to homeowner units and common elements. The Property Officer shall bring to the Executive Committee any concerns or issues about the infrastructure and grounds of the park. (Amended @ 2006 Annual Meeting) (back to top)

Property Committee

Section 3.8.2

The Property Committee shall consist of three (3) to five (5) homeowner members and the Property Officer. The members will be elected by the homeowners. The members shall serve for a period of two (2) years with terms staggered among the members. The Property Officer, who is a member of the HALP Executive Committee, shall be the Chair of the Property Committee. (Deleted @ 1998 Annual Meeting.
Amended @ 2010 Annual Meeting) (back to top)

Nominating Committee

Section 3.9 Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall consist of THREE (3) MEMBERS who shall serve for a Term of ONE (1) YEAR.

Section 3.9.1 The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees to be presented at the Annual Meeting. The slate shall consist of nominees for the following: Trustees and members of the Nominating Committee. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted after the report of the Committee. (Amended @ 1991, 1998, 2006 Annual Meeting)

Section 3.9.2 The slate of nominees prepared by the Committee shall be given to the Clerk of the Trust in a form and at a time sufficient to enable the Clerk to mail a copy of the slate to all members at the time of mailing the notice of the Annual Meeting.

Section 3.9.3 The Nominating Committee shall receive approval of the proposed nominee prior to placing the nominee’s name on the ballot. (back to top)